Thank you EU PVSEC
The EU PVSEC conference has a rich tradition of bringing together students, innovators, researchers and PV leaders in a vibrant and highly integrative forum G2V is very excited to be a part of this gathering exhibiting the pico® solar simulator, and engaging in discussion about solar simulation. For our very first european conference we also showcased our new Large area solar simulator.
September 9th – 13th 2019
Small area solar simulator
Our pico solar simulator product is a hyper-accurate, customizable, and durable solar simulator. We provide a light source that has the capability to enable some of the best researchers in the Photovoltaics field.
We wanted to bring the pico to EU PVSEC 2019 to show everyone why solar simulation is so important, and how the pico’s highly accurate system can empower researchers better than anything else.
Large Area Solar Simulator
The sunbrick provides the same solar replication technology that G2V Optics has proven to be the best. Using advanced LED driven illumination that was established in the Pico small area simulator, the sunbrick makes large area solar simulation quick and easy with no bulb replacements, no warm-up time, and no calibration required. The sunbrick works with any space you have with its modular support system. Whether you’re working in a confined space or a large testing facility, the sunbrick provides quality solar simulation to whoever requires it.