G2V Optics


Our Sun Since the sun powers all of the life processes on Earth, being able to harness its energy and light source to invent, test and apply...

Before anyone can start reproducing sunlight, they have to have a way of measuring and talking about it. There are two main methods of counting...

Definition of Air Mass When you first read the term “air mass” you might have wondered what relevance the mass of air has with sunlight...

Novel technology, whether disruptive or complementary, doesn’t simply arrive on the world stage fully formed. It requires thorough study, characterization, and standardization if they are trying...

Flight is a wondrous miracle, one we all benefit from, whether it’s through air travel, GPS systems, weather monitoring, or indirectly through the gleaned knowledge...

Solar simulators are capable of reproducing sunlight under a variety of aerospace-relevant conditions. This article discusses how solar simulators are useful in aerospace photovoltaics (PV)...

You’ve accidentally left a pair of sandals in your backyard or on your porch, and when you finally realize they’re there months later, the sandals...


Chapter 9 What Applications Exist For Perovskite Solar Cells In The Near Future? Over the last eight chapters, we’ve discussed the history, construction, capabilities, potential...


Chapter 8 Testing And Validating Perovskite Solar Cells As with any scientific endeavour, the faults, benefits and behaviour of a study’s focus are determined through testing. So...


Chapter 7 Energy Efficiency of Perovskite Solar Cells With all perovskite benefits (such as high absorption coefficient, high relative permittivity, and shiftable band gap) and...